Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm Back.....

It has been over a year, but we have been busy!  Now we have these two beautiful, precious peas to talk about...
I will try to post on a regular basis, but I'm not promising anything!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Under Construction

Back by popular demand (all 2 of you...) I am working on updating my blog and getting it going again. Stay tuned for more to come...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Zoo Weekend

A few weeks ago we had a great weekend taking Cooper to the zoo in Houston. He loved to see the animals. There were a few animals that we didn't get to see becuase they were hiding in the bushes, but that's ok! He really like the elephants. We couldn't get him to look at the camera because he wanted to look at the elephants!

On Thursday, Cooper went to the dentist for the first time! That was an interesting experience. I wouldn't say he didn't cooperate, but I would say he did cooperate either. We practiced saying "aaaahhhhh" and opening our mouth for 2 days, but when it came time to do it...there was no "aaaahhhh" left in him! He just had to lay his head back and let the doctor look in his mouth. I hope it gets better when they actually have to do some work!
On Friday we had a mysterious fever that popped up, but he is doing much better now! When are all happier when the little man is feeling better!

I must say that this lion was amazing!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

18 Months!

Cooper turned 18 months old yesterday! I can't believe it! He had his checkup at the doctor. She said he was doing good with his talking and was very impressed when he identified the "oval" bead on my necklace. He only had to get one shot and the tough little guy didn't even flinch! He was more mad that we were holding him down! He just looked at that nurse like she was mean and crazy for doing that to him, but other than that, it didn't really bother him.

He graduated up to a new class at Sunday school last week and he wasn't too happy about that. He cried when I left him and he cried when I picked him up. It was a new room with new teachers and his Grandpa wasn't in there with him. He'll do better next time!

He is doing great! He is learning more and talking more all the time. He has a new friend that stays with him during the day named E.J. and things seem to be going ok with that. Here is a picture of the little turkey from last Sunday.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Now that Panache Mommy is off the ground, I can finally return to the blog for an update. We just got back from our first family vacation with Cooper. we went down to Galveston for a few days. We had a great time and it was very relaxing. Cooper got to do many firsts on this trip...

He rode the ferry.

He got to go to the beach - and play in the waves and fly a kite.

He went to the aquarium where he saw "whish" and turtles and penguins and he was in awe...

I was a good trip, but we had to come back and now we are back to everyday life!